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Monday, December 16, 2019

My Learning Fall and Rise

                I'm not going to lie walking into a class filled with many unfamiliar faces and a random stranger in front of the class, just looking at us was really intimidating at first. My first day as a junior, my fifth class of the day and with just three hours of sleep,I wanted the period to end. I thought it was going to be like any other class, same routine as always. Sit in our assigned seats and introduce our self to the whole class, praying that we don't embarrass ourselves.
         Meeting a new teacher is always different each time. Most of the times I feel that they are good people, but occasionally I get some teachers who give me bad "vibes." When I saw Dr. Preston it was to soon for me to know how I felt about him, as my English teacher. When he told us that we decide how we want to be taught, cursed and then walked out of class I thought to myself. Wow this semester is about to be quite interesting. When he walked outside and left, the class decided on creating our blogs. At first I was confuse because, I  kinda spaced out while Dr. Preston was talking due to my lack of sleep. So I just went with the flow and I agreed with the class decision.
          While days passed and we were on our way to create a blog that could potentially be seen by people all over the world was stressful. I'm not going to lie I didn't do the first blogs, because I wasn't sure on how to start it. So I let the days go by. Without realizing I was burying myself deeper and deeper into a ton of work ahead of me. It got really difficult at some point, not just for this class but in every aspect of my life. I felt that my personal life was colliding with my school life. I didn't know how to manage my time wisely. I was putting other things before myself. Without realizing how it would affect my mental health later on. It got to a point where I wouldn't get home til it was dark, because I was in meetings, after meetings, I was doing community service, running a club, I was working and doing so many other things. I couldn't sleep, at night I don't know why it was just so hard to fall asleep. So I would stay awake most of the night. Also, not many people knew but I was going through some health problems, where I was required to take a lot of medicines. It was so hard for me to focus on my learning because of all of this. I tried so hard but it was still very difficult. My grades were slipping, as my motivation was too. It was really hard for me to memorize the poems, I couldn't concentrate but I still tried my very best.
           I think the time I felt the most pressure and tension, was when it came to my interview. I still don't know why  I agreed with my friend that we should've gone first, but I'm really happy I did. I wasn't really prepared because I only had a final draft for the resume. So I had to write my references, and cover letter the night before. It was difficult but with help from my friend I was able to finish everything. It was the day of my interview, even though it was nerve racking I did my best and gave it my all. After the interview I wasn't to sure about my overall performance but reading the comments from my peers about my interview was really satisfying.       
                 It's sometimes really difficult to create or establish a system, where you can easily get your work done. For me I had to find a way to remember to do my work each and every day. So everyday I walked into class I made sure I took out my journal and started writing. I also made sure I didn't  leave my class without finishing my blog, because I knew once I left class I wasn't going to go back and look at it. I also, set a time where I would go back on my blog and catch up on anything I could.When it came to writing in my journals, I didn't think like a lot of my peers I thought outside of the box. I would look at the questions differently, so I can get an understanding of it in different perspectives.
            I think I grew tremendously as a learner, I learned how to cope with many different scenarios that are thrown at me. Also, that time management makes a difference, and that each day I'm learning something valuable that is making me into a better person each day. Coming into this class in August I would say I was the typical student, just trying to get by and pass this class, but I can say I gladly changed. I learned how to value my time in my English time and how learning in a different way then other teachers can always be better.

Monday, December 2, 2019

My Brain on Thanksgiving Break

So over the break there wasn’t really much that I did to help me sustain memory from the previous week. Something I did do though was the night before review my work and review the things I was learning before leaving school. I also decided to finish some work that wasn’t completed.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

Self Reliance Part 5

“They measure their esteem of each other by what each has, and not by what each is.”

“Do not believe it. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.“

The populace think that your rejection of popular standards is a rejection of all standard, and mere antinomianism; and the bold sensualist will use the name of philosophy to gild his crimes.”

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Self Reliance part 4

• A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds
•To be great is to be misunderstood
• let a man then know his worth,

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Self- Reliance Part 3

• Nothing is at last scared but the integrity of your own mind
• philanthropy
• virtues- good qualities
•people are afraid
• “for nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure”

Self Reliance Part 2

                  •throughout the essay author makes many points
•the author ta

Monday, November 4, 2019

First Impression: Self- Reliance

" Our acts our angels are, or good or will"
                     When I saw the essay I was like damn this looks hard and long to read, but the words have a meaning. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Letter To A Mentor


                          There are many factors being played throughout the story of The Pedestrian. The setting, plot, tone, and the characters play a major role in this story. This story can be described and told in many ways. In this essay technology plays a big role. There are many similarities that can be taken out of the story and be compare to how we live in our society today.
               The setting and the tone in this story gives the reader a good perspective on the surroundings, and the mood of the story. In the story the author says its a misty evening. It's dark ,it’s really quite and he's all alone. With no one around to witness anything. The author approach this situation with a mysterious feeling and not knowing what to expect. The author put really good details to describe certain stuff. From the buckling concrete to describing the frosty air, which he compared to the smoke of a cigar.This gives the reader a good imagine in their head. The setting and tone is really important because it’s the foundation of a story.
                       Characters play one of the most major parts in a story because the story revolves around them. In this story the main character is Mr. Leonard Mean.  Leonard Mean is a quite a person. He's quite and lonely yet somewhat a funny man. We see that when he's confronted by the police car in the story. When asked a few questions he answers them sarcastically. Mr. Leonard is a mysterious man who loves walking at night, when everyone else is home.  He doesn't have a wife or any kids. When asked by the police he said no one wanted him. Which made me chuckle. This gives the situation some humor, which doesn't make the story all intense for the reader.
                              The plot in the story is something that many in our society can relate too. In the story Mr. Leonard is going for a walk at night, then is later arrested for no reason. In our society today many face this type of discrimination. Some face it because of the color of their skin, what they're wearing or even because how they look. Mr. Leonard case was that he was walking at night which seemed odd the the police. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

So This Guy Goes For A Walk

I feel that the story “The Pedestrian” can be interpreted into many ways in our lives now. When the pedestrian went for a walk and was stop by a police officer,then later arrested can be like, now in our society many people go out and are mistaken. These people are often thought to be doing the wrong thing. Many sometimes are approach by authorities, and sometimes many loose their lives.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Same Words Different People

When I was talking with my classmates i learned many things. I learned how each of us sees or  think in a different way. We all look at things differently, we all learn and were taught in a way only we truly understand. When discussing in our groups I learned how many are managing their time. How they translate what we've been learning onto our blogs, and how we're taught in the same class and by the same teacher, yet we interpret things differently.  

Vocabulary We Need

Meme: Something imitated.
Virus: A piece of code which is capable pf copying itself .
Viral : Of the nature of, caused by or relating to a virus or viruses.
Blog : An updated website or web page.
Wiki: A website that allows collaborative editing of it's content and structure by its users.
URL: The address of a world wide page.
Website: a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages.
www: "The World Wide Web" a combination of resources and users on the internet using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Internet: A global computer network providing a variety of information.
2.0 : Used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept.
Open Source: That is free to the public to copy to use, to modify and distribute/share. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Value Of My Time

To be honest I don’t really know what I’m doing, like I put so much energy into stuff that I enjoy doing but is it really going to pay off later in the future? I’m getting home around 8pm every day becomes I go and do community service and try to get my work done before heading home, I’m investing my time in helping others, I feel at some point it will pray off and if not it’s something I’ve always enjoyed doing.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Investing in Me!😏

I still don’t know how I am going to financially take care of myself. The common thing to do is to probably get a job, I would want to but I still don’t know how I would manage a job and going to college.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My Essay Essay

  There are many factors in the story Young Goodman Brown that communicate the theme. The characters, the tone and the plot are ways that help communicate Hawthorne’s theme.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My Thesis Statement

I think the main point about an essay is looking more into the characters. What makes them different from the rest. Each story has characters those characters make those stories come to life, so I think the most important part of an essay are the characters.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Young Goodman Brown

1. I think the purpose was to show that not everything is as how it seems to be.
2. I do agree that the character “Faith”!goes with the word faith just because she was really supportive through the story and showed how much she cared about her husband.
3. I think the pink ribbon signifies faith and hope.
4. I feel that it was his imagination, evil and dreams because in the story it mentions many of those examples in different ways.
5. I feel that the old man was someone in the past life who is really significant in the story.
6.I think the staff can represent him on his way to the after life.
7. If Young Goodman Brown didn’t walk into the forest there probably would’ve been a possibility where he could have lived longer.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Medium is Message

Knowing all the information that has given to me about appropriate communication, I feel that I should expierement different ways to communicate with other. Rather then just send a text. I could try writing.a letter to my friends, or if I want to tell them something I can wait till I see them. Then tell them in person. Rather than sending a text which I think is private, when in reality it isn’t. I also realized that I need to start setting up more security when I comes to my different accounts I have. Like adding a stronger password.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Literature Analysis

Count on Her Bones

I'm reading the book called Count on her Bones. This book is really intresting. It's about a blind girl who got kidnapped and while she was being held hostage she escaped. The interesting thing was that one of the kidnappers “Griffin” helped her escaped. So in the part I’m reading she was reunited with her family, One of the kidnappers is in a mental hospital while the other ones in prison awaiting his trial. Then Griffin is with his aunt since he’s underage. So now the guy who’s in prison whom is Griffins father is making a plan to kidnap the blind girl name “Cheyenne” but this time kill her. Cheyenne is the daughter of Nike’s President so she’s worth a lot of money. Another twist tho is that Griffin fell in love with Cheyenne and has to speak in court against his father.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Making of an Essay

For me writing an essay has always been different for each one. It’s sometimes challenging but there’s times when I actually enjoy it. This depends on what the topic I’m writing about. I’m the type of person who does everything last minute. Which is a really bad habit. Throughout the years writing an essay hasn’t really been a challenge for me as for many others. When it comes to an essay I don’t really despise it as many, I actually enjoy it when I’m only writing an essay about a topic that I’m into or care about . Other than that it’s usually something I have to do taht doesn’t interest me.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Everything is a Remix

 A lot of things in our world are reused, which can be called a "remix".  It's not just music but many things that we don't realize are being used as a remix. A remix are many arrangements and transformations of various samples. That can be used in different variations. Making a remix can take a really long time. Some domains of a remix can be music,film and technology. When we create a remix we copy, transform and combine to create the remix we want. This is use in many different ways in many different parts of our world.

The Right to Our Opinion

See I live in america, so according to the amendments I have freedom of speech,religion, rights and much more, So you would think I would have a right to my opinion, wouldn't you? See at first I did believe I was entitled to my opinion. Until I started to think and I realized that not a lot of us really do. It can be as simple as someone not agreeing with us and cutting us off when we're sharing our opinion. See we live in a society where many of us are immediately hushed or judge by our opinions.This happens because we have created a general imagine on how our world should be and how society should perceive us. So ask yourself do we really have a right to our opinion? Do I have a right to my opinion? Do you have a right to your opinion?

Monday, September 2, 2019

My Big Questions?

  Why do we automatically stereotype people before we even get to know them,especially when it comes to the color of their skin? Why do people care about the color of our skin rather than who we truly are?

I've been thinking a lot about my big question,and it makes me realize how unfair we as humans can be to one another. So according to, the dictionary of Oxford stereotype means "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing." For those who were wondering what the word means. Anyways a couple of weeks ago I have seen multiple videos of altercations, where people were being stereotype by the color of their skin. Anyways in of the videos a person of color was taking care of two white kids, automatically a white woman approach them and ask those young kids if they need help. Or if the male who is black is holding them captive. See many of us when we see a person of color, especially black we automatically think he's dangerous or scary. It makes be upset an disappointing because we think this, and yes I know a lot of us don't think this way. But a wide majority of our society does. Many people have died because of their skin tone. A lot of us are discriminated by the color of our skins. Like if were brown, black, or any other color that isn't white and it's upsetting because it's who we are, but not many see that. Like who gives a damn what color we are were're human beings were all the same, just cause someone's a different color then me doesn't mean I should treat them differently then others.

Fox on Socks; By Dr.Seuss

I really tried my best but I didn’t realize how hard it would be to read the book out loud and record yourself.😂
Props to Dr.Seuss for writing so many books that challenge us👏🏽
Y’all should search up how we pronounce his name because some of us have made the mistake of mispronouncing it wrong for years!😬

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How I Read

Growing up I always had many responsibilities, so I would rarely be able to read. When I did read it would be because it was assigned for homework and the books the teachers would make me read were books that never caught my attention. Then, when I got to junior high I got a great teacher who had a small library in her class filled with a wide variety of books and she made me start to like reading. The thing was that in my house its never quiet. I have young siblings who are really loud. So I got use to reading in a loud environment, so when I  read now and it's quiet i cant focus on my book. It has to be loud so i can actually read and focus on my book. Then after junior high I stopped reading for a bit because I never had time to read, but just a couple of days I started reading to relieve stress.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Communication Strategies of a Hacker

   I feel that the way the author use dictation,syntax,and tone is really great because it really grabs the reader's attention. It makes me want to keep reading it, without stopping.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Respond to Conscience of a Hacker

   I agree with what the author of  "Conscience of a Hacker". It is true in some way that we get judge by teachers and adults in many ways. When in reality they don't understand how it is to live in a world filled with many things that can hurt us. Especially in this time. Many adults and adults in powers have an opinion of young teenagers and think they're all the same. When many of us are really different from our peers.


Monday, August 19, 2019

Memorizing Richard Cory’s Poem!!!


It wasn’t easy man but I tried😐
Don’t roast me please and thank you🙏🏽

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Hey my name is Jasmine Garcia and welcome to my blog! Throughout my blog I will be talking about my ideas and opinions. These things can be things going on in our society and world and may things I’m passionate about. I’m really into social justice, politics and many things that help our communities.