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Friday, February 28, 2020

Chapter 9

No one wants to go to Gatsby’s funeral. Some people didn’t even care like a guy who only cared about his tennis shoes rather than Gatsby’s death.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Chapter 8 the Great Gatsby

 Nick suggested that he should go away.
They made love and Gatsby fell so hard for Daisy.
He mentions the pool because it’s autumn and all the leaves fall into the pool, which signifies something dying. So when the leaves fall in the pool and the pool is drain it can mean death.    
Wilson went after Gatsby and shot him, he then killed himself.

Chapter 7

Something that happened during this chapter was that Daisy ran over Mrs.Wilson. Gatsby wanted to take the blame for Daisy and protect her even though Daisy want feeling what he was feeling.
Tom and Daisy are trying to come up with ways so Daisy doesn’t get caught.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Notes and thoughts on Gatsby

I think the author included the "raining" part to make it seem more mysterious.
The rain can also represent the feeling inside the room. For example, first it was raining, then sunny than there was mud everywhere. Representing the emotions and feelings going through the awkward get together

Friday, February 14, 2020


I can shows this on my journals, blogs and notes. I also know what I know when I'm interacting in class, and giving my opinion about what we read.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Questions for test

Who did Tom Buchanan Slap across the face?
What were some rumors about Gatsby?
What does advice does the narrators father give him  in the beginning of the book?
What’s the lady’s name that Mrs.Wilson was yelling before getting her nose broken?
How did they describe the Jew guy?

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Gatsby pp

“People disappeared, reappeared , made plans to go somewhere , and the lost each other - ...
Many people can call this a run on sentence but the author wrote it like that so we can have an Idea in our heads.
Contemptuous - with judgment 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Chapter 2 The Great Gatsby

Unblinking eyes, may be connected to someone looking at someone carefully
Unprosperous - poverty and poor
Toms girlfriend left with another guy, and Tom thinks she went to visit her sister.